New Podcast to Help the Ontario Small Claims Court Litigant

CRMM811UkAA9UWQIt’s not often I get to blow my own horn, but I am announcing a new podcast called “The Ontario Small Claims Court Podcast‘. B I’ve recorded this podcast series to help self-represented litigants work their way through the Small Claims Court system. B Just under half of all civil claims in this province are startedB in the Small Claims Court. B I have included topics such as when to call a paralegal, motions, writing a plaintiff’s claim or defence, and service of documents.

I am also your host for this series. B Click here to join The Ontario Small Claims Court Podcast today.

This podcast is also available on iTunes and Stitcher Radio.

I hope you listen to the podcast soon, and that I can help you in some small way.

Please leave your comments here if you have any praiseB or constructive criticism on how to improve this podcast.