Dear Simon & Brianne,
Thank you so very much for all your help. Both my mother and I are so grateful for your ability to handle this eviction in a tactful, yet caring manner.
Best Regards,
The reason why I started this podcast is to send out more information about the small claims court. When I get calls from potential clients, I sometimes have to turn down their cases because my fees would outstrip what they would get in return if
Legal information that is fit to print.
On March 18, 2020, the Province of Ontario declared a state of emergency. In O. Reg. 73/20, the limitation period was suspended for the duration of the emergency. This is what will happen when the state of emergency lifts.
This blog article discusses whether tickets under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act are enforceable in court.
I just spoke to a couple recently about their situation in how their electricity bill was being calculated. They thought something was fishy about how high their hydro bill was in comparison to the other tenants in the building. They found out that while the other apartments were separately metered, their apartment was not.
I had a case recently in which my Landlord-client found themselves in quite a pickle, to say the least. The Landlord had a three-apartment residential complex, in which the Landlord lived in the main unit, and the other two apartments rented out to tenants. It
Grateful for our past clients
The Ontario Small Claims Court: How to Do It Right
Is your Small Claims Court matter starting to spiral out of control? Do you know what you are getting yourself into? "The Ontario Small Claims Court: How to Do It Right" will help you answer those questions and many more. Chapters include: